The Rich Life – beyond your bank account


Why your time budget matters as much as your money budget As a financial coach I often talk about being intentional with your money – tracking expenses, making mindful purchases, and investing in what truly matters to you. But today, I want to discuss another precious resource that deserves the same careful attention: your time. […]

The hidden advantages of Cash ISAs over traditional savings accounts

a pile of coins and UK bank notes

When it comes to managing your money and making informed decisions about where to save it, the landscape can seem overwhelming. With so many options available, how do you choose between a Cash ISA and a traditional savings account? At first glance, it might appear that opting for the higher interest rate on a savings […]

Love and money: why having money dates matters

While chocolates and flowers are lovely, there may be a greater need for a money date this Valentine’s Day. I’m coaching more and more individuals who have issues with their partner, whether it be mismatched spending, resentment over who pays for childcare, keeping money separately or just different attitudes to what matters. I’ve written this […]

Maximizing Your Wealth: Should You Overpay Your Mortgage or Save or invest?

Deciding between earning interest on savings and overpaying your mortgage is a question I’ve been getting a lot recently. To make an informed decision, it’s essential to consider several key factors, including tax implications, interest rates, mortgage terms, financial goals, and more. As with all things money it will be personal, some prefer to take […]

Start January with a smile, save for Christmas now

We’re 3 months away from Christmas – how does that make you feel? For many, Christmas can be a time where there are all the extras and so without a plan we can end up overspending. As a certified financial coach I love helping people feeling clear about their finances and this often includes some […]

Financial labels: why your thoughts impact your money

Philly sitting eucalyptus plant

When I tell people I’m a financial coach I hear “oh I’m terrible with money,” or “I’m pretty good but a sucker for sales”. These casual remarks may seem harmless, but they can impact our behaviour without us even realising it. Here are some steps to see what label you might be putting on yourself around […]

Turn “I Can’t Afford That” on its head

How many times have you heard or even said the phrase “I can’t afford that”? In some cases, this statement is a genuine reflection of our financial reality, but sometimes, it’s more about our priorities and how we choose to allocate our money. When we take a closer look at our spending habits and re-evaluate […]